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Satanta District Hospital, Clinics & Long Term Care believes local resources are vital support for Satanta, KS! We've provided a list of resource outlets we believe are useful to to the community. Please take a look and see if there's a local resource that might address your specific needs.
Sublette Christian Church Food Pantry
106 E. Carson Sublette
Monday through Thursday: 8:30-3:30
For more information: 620-675-2315
Satanta United Methodist Church
500 Arapahoe -Satanta
Wednesday 9-11:30 Once a month, no ID required, must be Haskell County resident; for more info: 620-353-8248
Farmworkers- Haskell County Health Department
Must work for Agricultural establishment (farmer, feedlot)
Must apply, income based
WIC- Haskell County Health Department
Parents and children up to 5 years old. Pregnant mothers may apply. Will cover breastfeeding parent up to 1 year.
Must apply. Income based.
Mobile Pantry- 620-275-2315
American Legion-across from Post Office in Sublette
1:30 one Wednesday a month; Need address and number of people in the household. First come, first serve; For info: 620-629-7108
Pride of Life meals-Sublette- under 60 $7/ over 60 $3.50. Lunch Monday through Friday. To sign up: 620-675-8596, Meal delivery service available.
Happy Age Center – Satanta - under 60 $7/ over 60 $3.50. Lunch Monday through Friday, Meal delivery service available. For more info or to sign up: 620-649-2304 Sign up- There is a waitlist.
Teal Comfort for the Soul: Meal Delivery for ovarian cancer patients, apply on website.
The Dysphagia Outreach Project – Access to thickener pre-modified foods, therapy tools and adaptive equipment for low income individuals with dysphagia. Apply on website.
Child nutrition services- free or reduced breakfasts and lunches, usually also has a free summer program as well for children 18 years old and under. Check with your local school- income based for during the school year. Must apply.
Kansas Food assistance Program (SNAP)- helps pay for food, government food benefits, financial assistance, government benefits, help pay for work expenses, support network, help pay for school, skills and training, interview training, resume development, skills assessment, help find work. Call 888-369-4777. Helps all ages, individuals, families, benefit recipients, low-income and limited English. Must meet guideline income. Offices also in Liberal and Garden City- DCF.
Food stamp assistance- help to apply government benefits: text FOOD to 74544 or Spanish- COMIDA to 754544, or apply on website – Must be in the restaurant industry. Grant to pay in case of diagnosed medical condition, injury/accident of parent or child, death of immediate family member (parent or child), documented domestic abuse of parent or child, natural disaster-loss of life or home. Limited to $7500.
Patient Aid Program by Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS)- The Patient Aid Program provides a one-time $100 stipend to help offset non-medical expenses like transportation, food, housing, utilities, etc. For those with Leukemia or lymphoma. Call 877-557-2672 to apply.
Financial Assistance Program by Midwest Hemophilia Association (MHA):
Assistance is limited to a maximum of $500 per household, once every two years. In the presence of special circumstances, the MHA Board of Directors will review exceptional requests. This program is intended to help individuals and families who have exhausted all other sources of assistance and/or for whom no other funds are available. Contact: 816-479-5900 for assistance.
The Last Mission Project by Operation First Response: Must be wounded, injured The Last Mission Project, PTSD -The Battle On & Off The Field, hopes to alleviate financial stress for Veterans allowing them to make clear decisions about treatment without the burden of the cost it will have on the family. By receiving treatment and learning to cope with PTSD in a manageable manner we will return more Veterans to their families and communities as productive members.
Selma Schimmel Vital Grant Selma Schimmel Vital Grant by Vital Options International (VOI): The grant program will assist those facing a significant financial hardship due to the diagnosis of a chronic, terminal or rare condition such as cancer, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s Disease or many others. This program provides utility or grocery assistance. For information:
Critical Financial Assistance Critical Financial Assistance by Operation Homefront: Must meet household income requirements.
Urgent Need Program by Leukemia And Lymphoma Society: The Urgent Need Program funds offers eligible patients with assistance for non-medical expenses. This program provides financial assistance including:- Rent, Mortgage, and Lodging
Eligibility: Must be a pediatric or young adult (birth to 39 years of age) patient OR be an adult (40+ years of age) patient
Ovarian Cancer Treatment Fund by National Ovarian Cancer Coalition (NOCC): Must have a confirmed diagnosis of ovarian cancer (including fallopian tube and peritoneal cancers), any stage, and must be in active treatment or on maintenance therapy for ovarian cancer.
Financial Resource Center by Family Reach: Be in active treatment for cancer at a hospital within the 50 states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico and U.S. territories.
Financial Assistance and Counselling Financial Assistance and Counseling Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) This program only serves Active duty or retired Sailor or Marine.
Double Up Food Bucks by The Double Up Heartland Collaborative Must receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
The Double Up Food Bucks offers shoppers double the value when they use EBT/Food Stamps at Farmers Markets. This program provides more access to fresh fruits and vegetables to individuals who are facing food insecurity. For more info: 816-701-8286
Financial Assistance Funds by Guidance Medical: Children with special health care needs and their families. Eligibility: Having one or more chronic health condition(s) associated with significant morbidity or mortality.
General Support For Children With Cancer by Hailey Bankhead Foundation (HBF) Helps people who are younger than 18 years old.
NICU Family Support by Project Sweet Peas: Project Sweet Peas' NICU family programs provides services to families who have a child in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and to those who have experienced pregnancy and infant loss. Must currently have an infant(s) receiving inpatient care in a United States Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Special Care Unit, or Specialty Pediatric Hospital.
Kansas Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program by Kansas Department of Health and Environment. The Kansas Seniors Farmers Market Nutrition program qualifies eligible Kansas seniors who are: 60 years of age and meet income eligibility guidelines.
a. 55 years of age and a member of an Indian Tribal Organization and meet income eligibility guidelines. Call 785-291-3742
OvarCare Patient Assistance Program by Ovarcome. Must have a diagnosis of ovarian cancer certified by an oncology healthcare provider.
Apply at
Financial Assistance by Patches of Light:
Apply @
Grant Program by American Children’s Cancer Benevolence Fund (ACCBF)
This program serves families whose child has cancer, and cancer survivors within 4 years of remission. Call 813-550-8999
Financial Support for Families Battling Pediatric Brain Cancer by Team Buddy Forever Foundation:
This program helps people who are 0 to 18 years old. This program serves families of children with pediatric brain cancer or Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG).
Email: to get more info. Apply
PNH Patient Travel Assistance Fund by Aplastic Anemia & MDS International Foundation (AAMDSIF) The PNH Patient Travel Assistance Fund provides financial assistance to U.S. basedPNH (Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria) patients for up to $800 in travel assistance per patient, per year. Must be diagnosed Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria. a.Must be a financial need to supplement your travel costs in connection with your diagnosis/treatment/therapy to meet with a PNH specialist for a visit or for a second opinion. Email to apply . website:
Pheasant Heaven Charities -helps individuals with catastrophic medical need-
PO Box 338, Hugoton, KS 67951
Ministerial Alliance: PO Box 104, Liberal, KS 67905
Haskell County Health Department - Blood pressure checks, Weight and height check, Family Planning services, Hgb check, Std checks, vaccines, KanBeHealthy exams. Preschool exams, WIC, MCH visits, Disease reporting, General health info.620-675-8191 sliding scale based on income.
Satanta Clinic – medical appointments 620-675-2686
Sublette Clinic – medical appointments 620-649-2735/620-649-2771
Satanta District Hospital - Emergency services, as well as physical therapy, lab services, radiology services, Surgery services, inpatient and outpatient services, pain management services. Pharmacy services- across the street. Long term care unit on the premises, as well as assisted living. 620-682-8414
Genesis - located in Garden City, Liberal and Ulysses- offers medical, behavioral and dental services. Sliding scale based on income. Liberal 620-624-0463, Garden City 620-275-1766, Ulysses 620-356-2432
Farmworkers - must be agricultural workers and their families (Does not provide care- assistance with care) 620-290-0133
Medicaid enrollment - Call to make an appointment, Haskell County Health Department 620-675-8191
Southwest Kansas Area Agency on Aging: tel 620-225-8230;
Services: In-Home Care Services, Congregate & Home Delivered Meals, Case Management, Administrative Case Management, Information and Referral/Assistance, Legal Advice, Older Kansas Workers Program, Aging and Disability Resource Center, Senior Health Insurance Counseling for Kansas, Family Caregiver Support Program, Options Counseling, Nursing Facility assessments, Functional Assessment for Medicaid Waiver Programs, Statistical & Information Clearinghouse and Ford County Housing Authority.
Pride of Life – Sublette 620-675-8596 Home delivered meals to homebound citizens, monthly newsletter, Craft classes,
Satanta Happy Agers - Satanta 620-649-2304
Haskell County K-state extension office in Sublette-Has various programs during the year; Such as babysitting classes, ADHD support for parents, 4-H,water testing supplies, Nutrition classes, Community development, Ag and Natural resources, health and nutrition, home and family, lawn garden, and tees, livestock, wildlife management, SNAP education. Online Diabetes education: Dining with Diabetes; 620-675-2261 503 S. Fairgrounds Road, Sublette,
Russell Child Development Center- Programs for kids from prenatal to 5. Programs for parents- Before and after pregnancy. Developmental screening, Learn and play dates at Satanta and Sublette, Home visits 620-275-0291 2735 N. Jennie Barker Rd., Garden City, KS 67846
WIC- Nutrition education and benefits for low income families with pregnant women and children up to 5 years old. 620-675-8191
Haskell Township Library- Activities: Totally Tots (birth to age 5), Summer Reading activities (all ages), Camp Lark (activities for kids during Parent/Teacher Conference), Monthly Family Game Night, Lego League (Monthly for kids grades 1-6), Adult craft nights throughout the year, Educational games, 1000 books before Kindergarten program, Sign up for Dolly Parton’s imagination Library to receive a book a month until the child is 5. among, Ebook Services: Cloudlibrary (through the State of Kansas) and hoopla!, Checkouts: Nature Adventure Packs, Books, Audio Books (adults & kids), Magazines, DVD's, Additional services: Meeting Room rental, Scanning items to email. Fax 300 Easy Street, Sublette 620-675-2771
Dudley Township Public Library: Activities: Monthly adult book club, adult painting night, Read to Baby, 1000 books before kindergarten, Lego Club, After school specials, Wee Wigglers for lap sit through 5, Art in the Park, Story Walk For parent check-out: Launchpads, wonderbooks. Also for check out: cassette tape recorder/player and watt usage gauges. Services: Print, copy, laminate, shred documents, scan documents to email or file, receive or sent faxes, portable wireless devices, 105 Sequoyah, Satanta 620-649-2213
The Haskell County Historical Society and Museum 605 E. Watkins Ave, Sublette 620-675-8344
Sublette Recreation Commission Easter Egg Hunt, Fitness Classes, Pumpkin hunt, open gym, youth sports programs such as baseball, softball, volleyball, tackle football, flag football, basketball and soccer. Many facilities such as basketball court, volleyball court, ball fields, soccer fields, fitness room, racquetball court, multi-purpose room, outdoor walking track and playground. 406 E. Wallace Ave, Sublette, 620-675-8211
Satanta Recreation Commission: Satanta Recreation Commission offers a 24 hour Fitness Center, youth programs including flag football, volleyball, basketball, softball, and baseball; and community programs including races and carnival games at the annual Satanta Day Celebration in May, and BBQ, games and fireworks at the annual Fourth of July town celebration.
Car seat assistance/installation: Call to make an appointment 620-675-8191
Breastfeeding assistance/IBCLCs(International Board Certified Lactation Consultants) Haskell County Health Department- Mindee Limon, IBCLC, 620-675-8191, Seward County WIC department, Tammie Thompson, 620-626-3369, Garden City WIC department, Jessica
Catholic Charities of SW Kansas Pregnancy counseling, Adoption, Teen Moms Program, Professional counselors and therapists that offer individual, family, group and marriage counseling as well as counseling for addiction and relapse prevention, 620-309-4490 Liberal, 620-272-0010 Garden City
Applying for Medicaid- Haskell County Health department, 620-675-8191 call to make an appointment
Applying for MarketPlace and Medicaid- Once a month, call for schedule 620-675-8191
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